Membership Fees
Nenagh Golf Club membership fees 2024
New Ordinary 2023 (First two years only) €600
Social Contribution €40
Former Ordinary 2023 whose membership has lapsed for a period of five years €600
Social Contribution €40
Ordinary €800
Social Contribution €40
Family Subscription €1,350 +Social Contribution €80 Total €1430 €1430
Ordinary Retired (With 20 years Membership) €600
Social Contribution €40
Family Retired (With 20 years membership). Subscription €1,012.50 + Social Contribution. €80. Total €1092.50. €1092.5
Country €500
Pavilion €100
Student (18 to 24 years in full-time education) €250
Youth (10 - 17 years) €125
Cadet €50
Please always check with the office for full details of the eligibility criteria for each membership category.
Membership fees include GUI/ILGU levies.